
Kelo ja kallio Adventures panorama

Abseiling down the Pyynikki Observation Tower

At Pyynikki, as a part of Visit Tampere Activities week program,
You`ll find us at the tower every sunday at 12-14, 9.4.-30.9.2022.

No reservation is needed.


  • 35,- / person


  • 10-50 minutes, depending on the queue situation


Payment methods

  • card, cash, MobilePay

Price including

  • the gear needed
  • services of an instructor
  • a cup of coffee with a doughnut

For abseiling at other places, e.g. cliffs You can take contact with us with this form:

to contact form

It`s also possible to buy a gift card for abseiling, to one or several persons.

Order a gift card here

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